Okay I feel bad for this. Reason?
First, I actually owed god-knows-how-many posts to my other blog about computer stuff. I am so very sorry, I have no idea why it is hard for me to find the mood to write about those things. Truthfully, I'm losing interest in a way. Anyway, I owe it to them to promote the blog, so
please click here!Secondly, it is 4am in Jakarta and I should be asleep! This kind of sleep-till-noon lifestyle seems unhealthy for me, not to mention it is freaking hard to find good food at, say, 1-2am? when you wake up really late, I guess your biological needs also changes.
So yeah,
I'm back in blogsphere.
And yea, I'm kinda troubled being the motivation.
Where should I start? Actually I lost the mood to complain already right about now.
Firstly, new semester's starting, and guess what? I only have 8AUs on my timetable.
8AUs. That means
seven hours worth of lesson every week, not good. I may die of boredom, considering last semester's 17AUs already gave me a lot of free time. Wonder how? That is just the beauty of applied and social science courses :D
Lesson to be learned from this one:
study year is not your academic year! i.e I'm in academic year 2 but study year 3 due to the amount of modules cleared up to now, so read wisely! fyi, I missed my course registration due to this misunderstanding. And guess what I got when I called the school?
A chuckle.Secondly, it's less than 2 weeks before school starts, and I still haven't got my hall. This is bad. So they changed the Hall Points system, made it kinda difficult to get desirable amount of points, and voila! Cut-off point is still the same as previous year. It's worse for the girls I think.
Fun fact: there were about 1000 applicants with the same point as me on the waitlist, oh please please remove yourself faster.I don't even want to think about the alternative in case the unthinkable happened *touchwood*. Next time,
do not care about who you are rooming with if you have borderline points. I had a local offered to stay with me but I did not take it. Dumb.
So yeah, that is about all? This is not a very positive first post, definitely. Sad to say, everything can be traced back to me. Only have myself to blame for these. Tsk. Anyway, life goes on.
I'll try to post something fun and more entertaining in between these "delightful" kind of posts.
Hope everything will sort themselves out, somehow.