Okay I'm bored.
Thanks to ICN choir meeting I couldn't go out to, say, play LAN games with aton. Or thanks to Union Day meeting yesterday, couldn't go out Julian's. Or whatever, I've been trapped in NTU for 2 weeks now! Not a very entertaining way to save up on transport cost, believe you me.
I observed something about NTU students - well, most of them-, they rarely go out. Granted, everything is provided here in this small suburban university, but I still think this is kinda depressing. So, anyone wanna go out? It sounds lame that I'm asking in this blog.
Anyways I find this
cool video by MJC maths teacher, bidding their students farewell and good luck for A level. I showed it to my friend, and his comment was "Whoa, I didn't know maths students are nerdy"
My response, "Are you kidding? We are like one of the most powerful aristocrats in the pyramid of nerdiness"
Seriously, you throw one stone in my Maths lecture, you'll have a good chance to hit TWO geeky-looking students, especially if you throw the stone to the front. Maybe we should play a game next time in lecture, like Hit The Geeks. If the stone/ball bounces off two nerds, you get a point, and if it bounces three nerds, extra point, or something.
Okay some points here are exaggerated.
But just for fun, let's test how nerdy you are!
click hereHere's mine:
Your Score Summary
Overall, you scored as follows:

34% scored higher (more nerdy),
2% scored the same, and
64% scored lower (less nerdy).
What does this mean? Your nerdiness is:
Low Ranking Nerd. Definitely a nerd but low on the totem pole of nerds.
So, I am definitely a nerd? whoa.
signed sealed delivered, I'm yours