Monday, October 19, 2009
A: You know where she lives, go to her house, bring a boom box and wait for her
B: That's stalking.
A: No, it's not stalking if you love the person.
A: You can grab her and throw her in the car, and take her someplace
B: That's kidnapping.
A: That's romantic
Thin line between lover and stalker?
Anyways, I thought Beth Cooper is kinda charming here, my typical cheerleader type. According to my convo with jebay the other night, cheerleader type is cheerful, popular, prominent, cute, attention seeker, a talker, and unbelievably selfish. I'm starting to sound like Barney, categorizing girls and all, but oh well, apparently I find that attractive.
The best part, is that Beth Cooper is named after a KISS song, titled Beth, which is just awesome.
And okay, back to work. Or maybe another movie, The Ugly Truth perhaps.
And I'll be right home to you
I think I hear them calling
Oh, Beth what can I do
Friday, October 16, 2009
Thanks to ICN choir meeting I couldn't go out to, say, play LAN games with aton. Or thanks to Union Day meeting yesterday, couldn't go out Julian's. Or whatever, I've been trapped in NTU for 2 weeks now! Not a very entertaining way to save up on transport cost, believe you me.
I observed something about NTU students - well, most of them-, they rarely go out. Granted, everything is provided here in this small suburban university, but I still think this is kinda depressing. So, anyone wanna go out? It sounds lame that I'm asking in this blog.
Anyways I find this cool video by MJC maths teacher, bidding their students farewell and good luck for A level. I showed it to my friend, and his comment was "Whoa, I didn't know maths students are nerdy"
My response, "Are you kidding? We are like one of the most powerful aristocrats in the pyramid of nerdiness"
Seriously, you throw one stone in my Maths lecture, you'll have a good chance to hit TWO geeky-looking students, especially if you throw the stone to the front. Maybe we should play a game next time in lecture, like Hit The Geeks. If the stone/ball bounces off two nerds, you get a point, and if it bounces three nerds, extra point, or something.
Okay some points here are exaggerated.
But just for fun, let's test how nerdy you are! click here
Here's mine:
Your Score Summary
Overall, you scored as follows:
34% scored higher (more nerdy),
2% scored the same, and
64% scored lower (less nerdy).
Low Ranking Nerd. Definitely a nerd but low on the totem pole of nerds.
So, I am definitely a nerd? whoa.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
The Sexless Innkeeper Part 2
The Sexless Innkeeper (Ted)
‘Twas the night before this one
I had hours to kill
I sat in the tavern
grading parchments with quill
A busty young lassie
flashed me a grin
Her garb said classy
but her eyes whispered sin
She said, “you’re a teacher?”
I said, “yes indeed.”
“I must have you,” she moaned.
“I’m turned on by tweed!”
With haste we did scamper
to my chamber anon
Fell to the couch
and, bro, it was on.
I unlaced her bodice
our passions grew deeper
and thus ends the tale
of the sexless innkeeper.
The Sexless Innkeeper Part 1
The Sexless Innkeeper (Barney)
‘Twas the night before New Years
and the weather grew mean
It was three in the morning
and I was stranded in Queens!
The tavern grew empty
the gaslights grew dim
the horse-drawn carriages
were all but snowed in.
Last call was approaching
and my fortunes looked bleak
then I turned to my left
and stifled a shriek.
She had a peach fuzz beard
and weighed sixteen stone
She gobbled up hot wings
and swallowed the bones.
I muffled a scream
and threw up in my mouth
I asked, “where do you live?”
and she said, “one block south.”
I swallowed my pride
and six shots of whiskey
and prayed to the gods
that she wasn’t too frisky
Back in her cave
She prepared us a snack
‘neath her mighty hooves
the floorboards did crack.
But when she returned
she found a sound sleeper
and thus she became
the sexless innkeeper.
I'm really gonna sue Yesman The Movie, you know, where they encourages people to say yes to basically anything and everything that comes to them. And look what I end up doing, I have in total of 27 Hall points for my ECA, too bad they are not cumulative.
Seriously, this is borderline idiotic:
- NTU Choir Section Leader/ Camp Programmer/ Concert Choreographer
- Union Day Main Programmer
- Inverse Newspaper Layout Editor
- ICN Band/ Choir IC
And three maths quizzes and two 2000-word econs report really just made my days.
Okay I shouldn't complain, cause I still have my weekly 10 series :)
On a lighter note, I finally finish all my midterm exam!
Granted, it didn't go really well with all the panicky last-minute studying:
- MAS211 was okay, just that I think I forgot to prove that function is decreasing.
- MAS213 was hell-ish, but the sight of people being stressed around me cheered me up.
- MAS215 was fine, apparently memorizing works for probability too.
Whatever, it's over!
36 days more to exams, hope my study mood will grow back again later.
But for now, let me enjoy this long weekend with Halo 2 and NFSU 2.
I can see your halo
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Indonesia Raya
Sorry I'm too lazy to translate. Those who might be interested will understand anyways.
always refer back to where you come from
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
This is my something new.
I've been spending time in the library for about couple hours and there is more to come. And it's nowhere near exam or quiz period. I realize I have never done this during term time. Turns out to be kinda relaxing! Granted, I've been using my laptop and enjoying the aircon with minimal study, but baby steps eh?
Anyway I've been to quite a number of interviews for the past few days. I felt good, but somehow there's this little voice telling me not to expect much from those. People adapts, right? And true enough, I haven't seen any positive signs from those.
And speaking of signs, I got a clear one yesterday. Though somewhere deep down inside I chose not to believe it. But who cares? false hope is still hope =) You can still use it keep you going. Aton said this sounds like argument to be religious, kinda true.
Couple days ago I was a bit euphoric cos my roomie moved out, then I got to enjoy a huge single room by myself. That didn't last long. Yesterday apparently my new roomie checked in, and tadaa, ah tiong! I haven't gotten to know the guy, so I shouldn't judge, but experience-wise, oh my god. Seems like when there's no Indian, a China man will do.
Oh well, I'm sick of being depressed. This will just have to make do.
Song of the Day: d'Masiv - Diam Tanpa Kata
kau seolah jenuh padaku
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Asean Dance
I came! Who wouldn't when you got ticket and friends there?
Good thing that I came, it was fun. And, it'll be the last Asean dance I'm gonna attend.
You know what they say, a picture says a thousand words:

I'm gonna miss this batch of people when they graduate. Somehow they are particularly hyper and noisy, but fun to be with.
Click here to read funny story from last night, and there are peanuts involved.
if yes, would you like a dance to go along with that?
if no, well, do you want my number instead?
Friday, September 4, 2009
10 Things I Hate About You
I hate the way you talk to me,
and the way you cut your hair.
I hate the way you drive my car,
I hate it when you stare.
I hate your big dumb combat boots
and the way you read my mind.
I hate you so much it makes me sick,
it even makes me rhyme.
I hate the way you're always right,
I hate it when you lie.
I hate it when you make me laugh,
even worse when you make me cry.
I hate it when you're not around,
and the fact that you didn't call.
But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you,
not even close,
not even a little bit,
not even at all.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Cathing Up
Starsky said:
Hey I give you this line, try it.
| hari | said:
Starsky said:
When you both look at each other right, the awkward moment type,
then u say "Would you like to kiss me?"
If she says yes, then good.
If she says maybe, go ahead and kiss her.
If she says no, you say :
"oh i didn't say you could. you just looked like you had something on your mind"
| hari | said:
nice one
but a bit scary
I might need to be drunk for that to happen
Starsky said:
It's a win win win situation
but I doubt you'll regret it
| hari | said:
I doubt I won't regret it
That's me! the over thinking guy. Though I must admit this is kinda fun if I have the guts.
Can anyone try and tell me?
they just forget words are much much easier to listen to
Appeal Letter
Well, I finally did, and here it is:
To whom it may concern,
I would like to inquire whether there is any room still available in your hall. I am posted to Hall 1, #12-1-183 currently and find that my current living condition is unsatisfactory. Thus I would like to propose a move to your Hall, should there be any room available.
My current room is located in Block 12, ground floor. Block 12 is heavily surrounded by vegetation, and even though it is very windy here, it makes it much easier for dust to accumulate in my room. As a result, I am stuck with having to clean my room almost every day. Not to mention being in ground floor means I have to deal with constant encounter with insects and ants. I used to have a history of dust allergy, i fear that it may be worsening with prolonged exposure here. I can provide medical letter if requested. And frankly, I do not appreciate these insect bites. I believe such dust and insects problem is not so severe in your hall, based on my experience in Hall 8 last year.
Hall 1, Block 12 is one of the older halls. I find that my bed is really used up with no more spring action underneath. I have been sleeping here for the past 4 days and every morning I wake up with severe ache on my back, without fail. This has caused me difficulties in performing simple task in the morning, as simple and sitting down and getting up without any pain inflicted on my back. I stayed in Hall 8 last year, and I have never experienced such problem with newer mattress.
Moreover, the location of this block does not make it better. Block 12 is located on the hill, only accessible through long walks and numerous stairs. Currently I am heavily involved in NTU CAC Choir where practices in the North Spine area tend to drag on until late in the night, where bus services have ended. So for the last couple days I have been facing long and hilly walk from north spine in the night, often with bulky things to carry. I know I will get used to it over time, but moving to your hall will save me a lot of trouble in the future.
Furthermore, I can say that I am not very compatible staying with my given roommate. He is a foreigner hailed from India. Our differences in culture results in us having great difference in our sense of smell. And sad to say, he does not really meet the standard of hygiene that I like. For example, he keeps walking around the room in dirty slippers, leave his container unwashed to leave the smell in the room, and seem not to bother with his personal hygiene. I have nothing against Indian, just that our culture is a bit different thus I cannot really appreciate it.
Last but not least, my room is located just beside the TV lounge. While it is convenient for me to watch TV, I find that the noise level is irritable, even in the middle of the night, as late as 2am. It is worsened by the fact that said TV room is located in open area, so noise really travels.
I know that I should be grateful to the fact that I have been given a hall, and I am. Just that I realize by changing room I can improve my living condition a lot for a year, thus I wrote this letter to appeal to you to let me move from my current room. I really believe such improvement to my current living condition can help me concentrate better in my study and ECA, and get better results from them. I am currently ABP student and I aim to finish undergraduate study in three and a half year, thus I greatly prefer my room to be a conducive study atmosphere.
Should there be no more room available, I hope u can give me a notice in the future should any vacancy comes up, and facilitate so that I can move to your hall. I look forward to hearing your reply soon.
Thank you for your attention.
Hari Aditya
I hope this works. And I think some parts are actually quite funny. Pardon my English, I haven't written any essay in a long time. But guess what? This appeal letter is 700 words, as long as GP essay.
I have a feeling they're gonna scold me for this. But never mind, at least I tried.
If only I can have that super cool phrase for every aspect of me. At least I tried.
but, hey, at least I tried
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Allswell Advert
I've always wanted to go to Great Britain, just for the sake of picking up one of the accents there. Be it British, Scottish, Irish, I think they all sound just soo coool. But no, not Britain, I'm in Singapore now! I don't really like Singlish accent, though it is needed to be understood here, somehow.
And Singapore TV channels here are full of it too! Even so, I found an interesting one aired long time ago. Granted, I feel like asking some British couple dub the sound, but I think this one's charming in its own way.
Allswell Commercial
When that silly three-word phrase becomes the reason, there's just no comeback to that. Oh, and I keep laughing at their expression tooo! See how the guy gives satisfied smirk after the punch line?
Because I love you
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Locked Out
I vividly remember that I put the room key in the back pocket of my jeans. Really sure. Sadly it's not the one I'm wearing now. The said jeans in hanging behind the door....in my room.
Scratch that. It's 30 minutes later and I'm already in. Who says you need a door when you can climb through the window? Albeit a hard one to climb.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Tagline reads : Smile! Tomorrow is going to be worse.
I find that amusing, especially today.
After being somewhat disheartened by earlier events today, combined with 4 hours of nap and lengthy dinner, I ended up with a smile. And just like that, I feel quite happy now, even though tomorrow may just be worse. Smiling actually works! Guess that (de)motivational poster works better than expected eh?
And, oh, I'm counting my blessings now. Since I realized some people I know is still hall-less.
Anyway, it's not like I have nothing to celebrate about lately. Check this out:
1. I got a hall! no more sleeping on the floor.
2. 18AU for this sem, at this rate, 5 more semesters to go.
3. I got 3rd Prize in 30 seconds to fame! easy 50 bucks =)
4. Modern Jazz dance open class was really really fun.
As for 30 Seconds to Fame, I could have done better if not for last minute change of song. I did my acoustic take on Rihanna's "Disturbia" and Garth Brooks' "If Tomorrow Never Comes", wrong choice of second song. But, oh well, that 50 bucks makes me feel all better.
And Modern Jazz dance class. Remember the cliche that life is unfair? well, it is, but no one says it has to be. I'm referring to how dance
I'm ranting in the middle of the night, thanks to 4-hour-nap earlier.
By the way, I heard this interesting quote from Pushing Daisies:
Oh, and thanks to mei for reminding me of this song (click here!). Old, but still lovely.
And the puppies are somehow cute!
just like a song
and brighten my day
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Hall One
So, I thought, never mind, I shall just check how the room looks like. I've never been to Block 12 anyway. And so it turns out...Block 12 was far! It is much closer to Hall 4 than Hall 1, for some reason. I thought, at least my room is near canteen 4, nice food.
Then Bang! I reached the room 183, trying to open the doorknob but it's locked. Then I heard some noise inside, along with words "wait a minute" said with a thick, too familiar accent. They gave me Indian roomie. Not that I have anything against them, just that I had Indian roomie once, andd, let's just say our sense of smell is not really compatible.
So I went back to Hall office, asking for another room, any room. And they actually scolded me for not being grateful to the fact that I got hall. True, but somehow I felt I deserved a bit better. For now, I can't tell whether my new room or my squatting room is better.
So, the fact were these, SAO put me in waiting list so damn long just to put me in a middle-of-nowhere block with such roomie? I demand explanation! See, even the baby thinks so..

Anyway, I feel like I complained a lot lately. Sorry to those people I complained to. Hope you're not sick of me, as I'm a bit sick of myself lately. I'm gonna write some appeal letter, then I better start accepting, enough complains! Hope this'll work, somehow.
Though I found something from Pushing Daisies to cheer me up,
Old song, but still lovely : Kristin Chenoweth - Eternal Flame
My current iPhone wallpaper reads: Smile! Tomorrow is going to be worse~ lol.
sun shines through the rain
my whole life so lonely
then you come and ease the pain
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Anyways, welcome tea feels much like FOC (it rhymes!). With all the Ice-breaking games and meeting new people and all. Was kinda fun, though, until I realize my section just got WAY louder than ever before, not goood.
I'll be having interview for Choir maincomm tomorrow! Wish myself luck here. *pats* I can't believe it's those time of the year again where you have to worry about getting points.
And finally, I'm in the final for NTU 30 Seconds to Fame. Go for $150!!
And these things are nicely wrapped up by good music.
Video of the Day : Kevin Skinner - If Tomorrow Never Comes
Might be the most heartfelt performance I've ever seen =)
and that'll be all.
say each day how much you mean to me
Monday, August 24, 2009
"Why Are You Still Single?" quiz and the result is You're Scared of Intimacy.
When things get serious emotionally, you tend to back away. You're what we call a ''commitmentophobe.'' Whether it's because you fear letting someone into your life or that you're scared of getting hurt or that you're just not sure that there isn't a better out there, settling down with one person practically gives you hives.
"If you're single, take this quiz. " quiz and the result is You're too Hung-up on someone who isn't giving you the time of day.
The clock is ticking and that person you always have to contact first before they call you could really care less about you. The time is now to drop them. Give that person up because it's wearing you down and making you dull. There are a thousand other fish in the sea, sound familiar, and all you have to do is put up a sign that you are open for business. Pull yourself out from under that rock you've been hiding under and get to work!
Am I really? Hear me, quizzes, we shall see.
Without those, though, I wouldn't roll on the floor laughing *literally! i want my hall =(* at this conversation. Edited, but the gist is there.
A: Hey, you're like Barney
B: So I'm a big purple dinosaur?
A: *punch*
B: So, I'm a big blue black dinosaur now?
either that, or I'm depressed
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Remember when you got all depressed and need some retail therapy? Here's what I do instead of actual shopping, wish-list! hopefully I can scratch them off soon =)
1. Room KEY, preferably upper hall
2. Jack and Danny Semi-Acoustic Guitar DG-108
3. Green Converse Shoes
4. Earphones
5. you
Respectively priced: $1k-2k, $288, $59, ~$40, and Visa (get it?) =p
Any kind fairies out there?
Uh oh, and I'll be having audition later, go for $150! Wish me luck..
Song of the day : Bon Jovi - Livin' On A Prayer
we'll make it I swear
Saturday, August 15, 2009
The Square Root of Three
I fear that I will always be
A lonely number like root threeThe three is all that’s good and right,
Why must my three keep out of sight
Beneath the vicious square root sign,
I wish instead I were a nineFor nine could thwart this evil trick,
with just some quick arithmeticI know I’ll never see the sun, as 1.7321
Such is my reality, a sad irrationalityWhen hark! What is this I see,
Another square root of a threeHas quietly come waltzing by,
Together now we multiply
To form a number we prefer,
Rejoicing as an integerWe break free from our mortal bonds
With the wave of magic wandsOur square root signs become unglued
Your love for me has been renewed
-David Feinberg
Monday, August 3, 2009
Pick Up Lines
But this one rocks!
Man - Would you want to dance?
Woman - Yes !
Man - Well then, could you go dance so I can talk to your friend?
If I remember correctly, there's an ASEAN dance coming. Go! =)
No, sorry, what happened?
I think I may have scrapped my knee....when I fall for you
I know, what the hell right? but whatever :P
So yeah I'm coming back this coming thursday. Partly excited, cos life in indo is.....you know. Plus I don't have to make peace with all those traffic anymore! Partly depressed, cos I still have not got my frickin' hall. And given some spices of information that it may come out after the school start.....it's saddening, really.
anddd there! one paragraph of complain is enough. *points to the quote above*
I just got back from Bandung! Went to a kind-of-traditional wedding with somehow modernistic food. Is it just me or those Sundanese atmosphere in a hot, old building does not mix really well with, say, beef bulgogi, some italian pasta, and garlic bread? I'll give them unique thou. Oh, and the band was funny, they accompanied Sinatra's "My Way" with a recorder! (well, kind of)
but that's not the most fun part.
my dad went to some 2nd-hand shop looking for a semi acoustic guitar. And he came out with a pair of shoe and a tennis racket instead! Mine, of course. :) Check this out: Onitsuka Tiger shoe for Rp105k and Wilson K-Zen for Rp300k. Despite considering (a lot) of time will be spent cleansing those, I still think it's a very good bargain! Bandung rocks.
a little voice inside my head: what the freak? u got too many stuff already you knoww.
All in all a pretty fun trip, setting aside spending 4 hours looking for mum's make up bag. Found it thou.
A little tunes : Straight No Chaser (Click here!)
I just love their rendition of "Africa" :)
Oh well, maybe I just love that song.
As they grow restless longing for some solitary company
I stopped an old man along the way
Hoping to find some long forgotten words or ancient melodies
He turned to me as if to say, "Hurry boy, she's waiting there for you"
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Motivational Poster

Barney: Marshall, consider the penguins.
Marshall: The penguins?
Barney: On the wall.
Marshall: 'Conformity - It's the one who's different that gets left out in the cold.' This is a motivational poster!?
So cool! It is just de-wait for it-lightful :D
So yeah, I stumbled upon some of inspiring posters, and here they are:
First, I actually owed god-knows-how-many posts to my other blog about computer stuff. I am so very sorry, I have no idea why it is hard for me to find the mood to write about those things. Truthfully, I'm losing interest in a way. Anyway, I owe it to them to promote the blog, so please click here!
Secondly, it is 4am in Jakarta and I should be asleep! This kind of sleep-till-noon lifestyle seems unhealthy for me, not to mention it is freaking hard to find good food at, say, 1-2am? when you wake up really late, I guess your biological needs also changes.
So yeah, I'm back in blogsphere.
And yea, I'm kinda troubled being the motivation.
Where should I start? Actually I lost the mood to complain already right about now.
Firstly, new semester's starting, and guess what? I only have 8AUs on my timetable. 8AUs. That means seven hours worth of lesson every week, not good. I may die of boredom, considering last semester's 17AUs already gave me a lot of free time. Wonder how? That is just the beauty of applied and social science courses :D
Lesson to be learned from this one: study year is not your academic year! i.e I'm in academic year 2 but study year 3 due to the amount of modules cleared up to now, so read wisely! fyi, I missed my course registration due to this misunderstanding. And guess what I got when I called the school? A chuckle.
Secondly, it's less than 2 weeks before school starts, and I still haven't got my hall. This is bad. So they changed the Hall Points system, made it kinda difficult to get desirable amount of points, and voila! Cut-off point is still the same as previous year. It's worse for the girls I think.
Fun fact: there were about 1000 applicants with the same point as me on the waitlist, oh please please remove yourself faster.
I don't even want to think about the alternative in case the unthinkable happened *touchwood*. Next time, do not care about who you are rooming with if you have borderline points. I had a local offered to stay with me but I did not take it. Dumb.
So yeah, that is about all? This is not a very positive first post, definitely. Sad to say, everything can be traced back to me. Only have myself to blame for these. Tsk. Anyway, life goes on.
I'll try to post something fun and more entertaining in between these "delightful" kind of posts.